Friday, 5 May 2017

Evaluation #4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

This picture shows the average member of our target audience, after extensive audience research using questionnaires and presenting our demographic data through graphs, we found out that large majority of the audience who showed some form of intrigue for our movie idea were people in the Group E section of the psychographic scale, this is beneficial as this group contains a very large number of people who have disposable money and are usually still living with parents who provide some form of dispensable income to be able to pay for and watch or movie. People In this age group can range from really young ages or really old ages that live with carers or pensioners, with ages ranging from 14-20 and 60-80, we would be targeting the younger audience since we don’t have as much experience with making a movie appealing to older audience, but we are in our own target age range and so can relate to what our audience wants in a movie and what conventions they desire. People in the age range of 14-20 years old are usually thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies that require some form of action or hook to keep them entertained which is why the horror conventions fit so neatly into this age group as older audiences are usually more put off from watching horror films, horror movies add to the thirst for action and thrills that the younger audiences require which is one of the reasons why our movie would appeal to this age group. The average person in group E of the psychographic scale is a teenager going to college or maybe secondary school, they would have interests in the newest trends and be aware of the newest things coming out, making promotion for our film easy, we could use the uses and gratifications theory to help identify the specific group in our age range we are targeting, since our movie is set in a fictional environment with very unconventional to real life elements we can tailor it to target an audience of people who seek escapism and seek a diversion from real life by entering a fictional world that’s different to what they are used to. The younger audience we are targeting find acceptance in society by following the ideology that going out with friends and watching a horror film will provide a place for that person in a group and feel a sense of social acceptance. A teenager in the age range of 14-20 years will usually be very in touch with pop culture, following the mainstream ideology of whatever today’s culture seems as cool or acceptable. On the topic of gender, our films seem to tailor more to the male side of our audience since the conventions of a violent horror film lean more towards the idea of masculinity, violence, and bravery to watch a scary film. Overall there are multiple reasons as to why our target audience is an unemployed teenager who most likely lives with parents and is funded by them.

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